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发布时间:2022-09-06 14:06:22

据离岸工程网站11月20日消息 贝克休斯、C3.ai和微软公司宣布合作,将微软云计算平台上的企业人工智能(AI)解决方案引入能源行业。

据离岸工程网站11月20日消息 贝克休斯、C3.ai和微软公司宣布合作,将微软云计算平台上的企业人工智能(AI)解决方案引入能源行业。


壳牌首席信息官Jay Crotts表示:“壳牌支持这一战略联盟的目标,即通过数字化转型来提高效率,提高安全性并减少对环境的影响,并与我们的目标无缝对接。贝克休斯是我们在油田服务和软件开发领域的长期合作伙伴之一,我们使用微软云上的C3.ai平台来加速整个业务的数字化转型,从而帮助改善整体运营。 正在开发的新技术至关重要,因为我们大家都需要共同努力,以减少投入社会的产品和解决方案的净碳足迹。”

吴恒磊 编译自 离岸工程


Baker Hughes, C3.ai, and Microsoft Corp. announced an alliance to bring enterprise artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to the energy industry on the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform.

This alliance will enable customers to streamline the adoption of scalable AI solutions for the energy industry that help promote safety, reliability, and sustainability. It leverages the energy technology expertise of Baker Hughes, C3.ai’s AI platform and applications, and the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform. As a result, energy businesses will have a secure and reliable suite of enterprise-scale AI applications optimized to run on Azure. These solutions are电源柜 tailored to address challenges across the entire value chain, from inventory optimization and energy management to predictive maintenance and process and equipment reliability.

“Shell supports the aim of this strategic alliance to improve efficiencies, increase safety, and reduce environmental impact through digital transformation, aligning seamlessly with our goals and ambitions,” said Jay Crotts, Shell Group CI伸缩蝶阀O. “Baker Hughes is one of our long-standing and valued partners in oilfield services and software development, and we use the C3.ai platform on Microsoft Azure to accelerate digital transformation across our business, helping to improve overall operations. The new technologies being developed will be critical as we all need to work together to reduce the net carbon footprint of the products and solutions that we put into society.”
